Chanel : A Hypnotic Journey is a tryptic of videos each featuring a piece of jewellery functioning like an hypnotic device: the necklace oscillates like a pendulum, the ring repeats the pattern of a spinning machine, the bracelet echos the circular movements of a gyroscope.

Through the mechanical and perpetual movements of diamonds, malachite, tourmaline and pearls the viewer is taken from a rational state of mind to a trance-like hallucination where both image and colours react to the altered state of mind. Jewels are real, but they are also a sub-conscious reality that exist as a state of desire in our mind.


Director / Alessandra Kila
Concept and Look Dev / Alessandra Kila
Full CGI Motion and Stills / Recom Farmhouse 
Editor / Zoe Alexandrou
Sound Design / Manuel Pinheiro

Compositing / Felix Baesch
Modelling / Tanguy Koutouan
Texturing and Shading / Joe Carney
Animatics and Lighting / Anna Toropova
Colour Grading / Christoph Bolten
VFX / Alessandra Kila
Still Retouching / Aljaz Bezjak and Maria Luisa Colosso